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Going to bed early reduces CO2, Japanese government tells population

Monday 28 June 2010 00:00 BST
(Gabriel Moisa/

The Japanese government is encouraging people to go to bed earlier and save energy wasted by watching TV late at night.

Going to bed an hour earlier helps reduce CO2 emissions; watching TV late into the night requires more energy and therefore produces more CO2. It is estimated that going to bed just an hour earlier could save up to 20 percent of electricity consumed in the household.

A study by the Japanese ministry of environment has found that 20 percent of Japan's electricity is consumed within the final hour before bed. As a result the government is running a campaign encouraging people to go bed and wake up earlier. It is estimated that the average family could reduce their carbon footprint by up to 85kg per year simply by not watching TV late into the night.

Japan is attempting to reduce its CO2 emissions by 25 percent from 1990 levels and this is the latest initiative from the government that, five years ago, launched a campaign encouraging office workers to wear short sleeves in a bit to reduce energy consumption by air conditioners.

Other simple ways of reducing household energy consumption involve using energy efficient lightbulbs, switching lights off when leaving the room, recycling household waste and using public transport more frequently.

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