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The Nixon rulings at the centre of Trump’s Supreme Court immunity case

Former president and special counsel have invoked different Supreme Court cases involving Richard Nixon to push opposing arguments as to whether Donald Trump has presidential immunity from prosecution

    <p>Donald Trump (left) and Jack Smith (right) have both invoked cases involving Richard Nixon (centre) to make their arguments to the Supreme Court in the presidential immunity case </p>
    <p>Shujaa Graham, a death row exoneree (above left), is part of a coalition challenging California’s capital punishment law at the state supreme court </p>

    Will a state court challenge end California’s death row for good?

    California has more people on death row than any other state in the country — and a governor who opposes capital punishment. A new audacious legal challenge to the death penalty in the state supreme court is seeking to finally end executions forever, Josh Marcus reports


    Will a state court challenge end California’s death row for good?

    California has more people on death row than any other state in the country — and a governor who opposes capital punishment. A new audacious legal challenge to the death penalty in the state supreme court is seeking to finally end executions forever, Josh Marcus reports

    <p>Shujaa Graham, a death row exoneree (above left), is part of a coalition challenging California’s capital punishment law at the state supreme court </p>


    How young is too young to learn about sex?

    Olivia Rodrigo’s team reportedly stopped abortion funds from distributing free emergency contraceptives on tour because her audience was deemed ‘too young’ to receive such items. According to sex education advocacy groups that spoke to Meredith Clark, this misconception is just one of many barriers toward a quality education

    How young is too young to learn about sex?

    Olivia Rodrigo’s team reportedly stopped abortion funds from distributing free emergency contraceptives on tour because her audience was deemed ‘too young’ to receive such items. According to sex education advocacy groups that spoke to Meredith Clark, this misconception is just one of many barriers toward a quality education




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