Why do I need to register?
Registration is a free and easy way to support our journalism. It allows us to better understand our readers and tailor your experience.
For in-app subscribers, it also unlocks your exclusive benefits on independent.co.uk including advert-free reading and unlimited access to Premium news analysis and long reads.
What are the benefits of registration?
Once registered, you will enjoy:
- Limited access to the latest stories in The Independent app
- Limited access to Premium articles on independent.co.uk
- Exclusive newsletters
- Commenting on independent.co.uk
- Virtual events with our leading journalists
Can I restore an existing Apple App Store or Google Play subscription?
Yes. Once registered, please follow these instructions:
- Select the head and shoulders icon in the top right of the screen to visit your account settings
- Select ‘Restore’
- Sign in with your Apple or Google ID if you haven’t already
Do I need a subscription to access the app?
No. Once registered, you can read a limited number of articles each week for free. You can also watch Independent TV, book tickets for virtual events and switch to dark mode for late-night reading.
Which features in the app are exclusive to subscribers?
As a valued subscriber you receive unlimited access to:
- The latest news stories in The Independent app
- Premium news analysis and long reads
- Audio articles and the ability to create playlists for offline listening
- Puzzles including crossword and Sudoku
- The daily newspaper, available to download every morning from 5am*
- All of these benefits are also available on independent.co.uk along with advert-free reading and ebooks.
*Requires a subscription to the ‘Independent Premium + Daily Edition’ package.
Do I need to register if I subscribed or registered through independent.co.uk?
No. Simply log in using the email and password you provided when you created your account.