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PMQs today: Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn clash over Brexit as Tory MPs issue demands over EU deal - as it happened

All the latest updates from Westminster, as they happened

Lizzy Buchan
Political Correspondent
Wednesday 21 February 2018 09:41 GMT
Theresa May responds to high court ruling that air pollution plan is 'unlawful'

Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn clashed over Brexit at the first Prime Minister’s Questions since the parliamentary recess.

The Labour leader mocked David Davis' assurances that Brexit will not result in a "Mad Max-style world borrowed from dystopian fiction", and asked the Prime Minister if the Government could set the bar "just a little bit higher".

Ms May reiterated her desire for a "bespoke economic partnership" with the EU amid renewed pressure from her own party as more than 60 Tory MPs signalled they could remove their support if Ms May tried to pursue a softer Brexit.

The powerful European Research Group - led by arch eurosceptic Jacob Rees-Mogg - intervened ahead of crunch Cabinet talks on Thursday where the Prime Minister will strive to unite warring factions over the future relationship with the EU.

It comes as the Government asked the EU to consider granting the UK a longer Brexit transition period than the one proposed by Brussels.

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