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Incredible pictures show crocodiles engaged in fight to the death

The fight took place just metres from the National Park's warning signs

Emma Henderson
Tuesday 01 December 2015 16:54 GMT
(Queensland National Parks)

These images show two saltwater crocodiles, one much larger than the other, engaging in a fight to the death.

The violent attack shows the smaller crocodile being thrown onto the bank after the larger caught between its powerful jaws.

(Queensland National Parks)

Then the smaller crocodile is eaten whole as the bigger reptile tosses its head back.

A passer-by saw the battling crocs at Catfish Waterhole, Rinyirru (Lakefield) National Park (CYPAL) in tropical North Queensland. The remote area is in Cape York Peninsular.

The fight took place just a few hundred meters from the National Park’s warning signs.

(Queensland National Parks)

The photos were sent into the Queensland National Park by Sandra Bell, where they were posted on their Facebook page.

The National Park took the opportunity to remind people to be “croc-wise on croc country”.

(Queensland National Parks)

They explain “croc country” to be “In Queensland we think of croc country as being between Gladstone and Cape York Peninsula, and throughout the Gulf of Carpentaria. “

Although crocs are most often seen in tidal reaches of rivers, they can also be found in freshwater lagoons, rivers, and swamps hundreds of kilometres inland from the coast.

They can even be along beaches and around offshore islands in the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait

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