Elliot Page condemns ‘deadly’ Alabama bill banning hormone therapy for transgender minors

Bill would also bar doctors from offering puberty blockers to trans youth

Annabel Nugent
Monday 08 March 2021 16:59 GMT
Elliot Page comes out as transgender

Elliot Page has criticised an Alabama bill aimed at preventing transgender minors from receiving certain medications or treatments as “deadly”.

On Tuesday last week (2 March), the bill – which has been named the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act – passed Alabama’s Senate. It now goes to the House.

If passed into law, the bill – which has been widely criticised by LGBTQ+ activists – would make it a felony for medical professionals to offer puberty blockers, hormonal therapy or surgery options to transgender people under the age of 19.

The Juno star, who came out as trans in December last year, condemned the bill on Twitter, writing: “Efforts to criminalize trans kids are deadly and we need to fight back against Alabama’s HB1/SB10.”

He added: “Trans kids’ lives depend on stopping this bill. Tell Alabama lawmakers to #ProtectTransKids #NoHB1 #NoSB10.”

Orange is the New Black’s Laverne Cox, who is originally from Alabama, also condemned the bill during an Instagram Live video shared last week. 

As reported by Pink News, Cox said that she had previously avoided commenting on the bill because it is “fundamentally dehumanising”. 

The bill was proposed by Republican senator Shay Shelnutt, who argued that he wanted to “protect vulnerable minors who do not have the mental capacity to make life-altering decisions of this caliber”.

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