Golden Globes host Seth Meyers hints at sexual harassment scandal in first trailer: 'We have a lot to talk about'

It will mark the first high-profile awards ceremony since the Harvey Weinstein scandal

Jacob Stolworthy
Sunday 24 December 2017 11:52 GMT
Promo: The 75th Annual Golden Globes "There’s a Lot to Talk About!"

The first trailer for next month's Golden Globes has dispelled any doubts that the star-studded ceremony will shy away from the sexual harassment scandal in Hollywood.

If the teaser is any indication, host Seth Meyers won't be holding back when it comes to criticising those caught up in the numerous allegations of harassment, assault and rape against a crop of high-profile industry figures including former winners Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey.

The Golden Globes will be the first awards ceremony following the Weinstein scandal which saw tens of actors, including Gwyneth Paltrow, Lupita Nyong'o, Ashley Judd and Cara Delevingne, come forward with allegations against the disgraced film producer. He denies any accusation of assault.

It was reported earlier this week that, in response to the #MeToo movement which followed the allegations, stars are reportedly planning to dress in black in protest - a decision that Weinstein accuser Rose McGowan has since criticised much to the ire of Meryl Streep.

This year's nominees in the film categories include The Shape of Water - which scored the most nominations - as well as The Post, Dunkirk and Get Out. The Handmaid's Tale, Fargo and Big Little Lies have all earned nominations in the television category.

The 75th Golden Globes will take place in Beverly Hills on 7 January 2018.

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