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Why you need a monthly meeting about your sex life

Yes, diarising a chat about what you do in the bedroom sounds excruciating, says Franki Cookney. But the results can be profound

Monday 20 November 2023 15:56 GMT
A key tip when talking about sex is to make sure you have the conversation outside the bedroom. Choose a neutral space, in a moment when you aren’t tired, hungry, or preoccupied
A key tip when talking about sex is to make sure you have the conversation outside the bedroom. Choose a neutral space, in a moment when you aren’t tired, hungry, or preoccupied (Getty Images)

About once every six months, I cajole my husband into sitting down with me and having a frank discussion about our finances. It’s obviously not my favourite date night activity but I acknowledge it has to be done, not just in terms of weekly budgeting, but also to discuss what treats, what pleasures, we also want to plan for.

That money is a sensitive topic is well known. But if there’s one thing we Brits find harder than talking about money, it’s talking honestly about sex. So, when I heard that sex therapist, Emily Morse was advocating for couples to have a monthly sex meeting, I admit it, I shuddered. Dr Morse, whose book Smart Sex came out in the summer, encourages couples to set aside time to review their sex lives and decide what needs attention.

With lack of downtime easily the main obstacle to my sex life, the idea of scheduling a meeting to discuss it is fairly laughable. But the aim of this sexual “state of the union” is less about digging into deep and difficult questions and more about checking in to make sure you’re on track. In fact, Morse suggests taking no longer than 10 minutes over it, which sounds doable even to me. But that still doesn’t address the fact that talking about sex is really hard.

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