Who is Julian Assange and what secrets is he accused of leaking?

Assange is making his final bid for an appeal against his extradition to the US where he faces 18 charges linked to WikiLeaks

Lydia Patrick,Alex Ross
Wednesday 21 February 2024 09:03 GMT
Supporters outside the Royal Courts of Justice for Julian Assange appeal hearing

Seven years ago, Julian Assange stood outside the Ecuadorian embassy and greeted his supporters with a fist in the air - he couldn’t have thought a prolonged legal battle against extradition to the US would have continued until this week.

The 52-year-old Australian was at the embassy in London seeking asylum as Swedish authorities wanted to speak to him over a rape allegation which was later dropped.

He feared that leaving the UK would lead to him being sent to the US where he was soon to be charged with conspiring to hack into military databases to acquire sensitive information following the publication of files on WikiLeaks.

Julian Assange greets supporters outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London - where he remained for seven years while fighting extradition to Sweden and US
Julian Assange greets supporters outside the Ecuadorian embassy in London - where he remained for seven years while fighting extradition to Sweden and US (AP)

But now the US appears on the verge of bringing him across the Atlantic unless he is successful in his final bid to appeal against the extradition at a two-day hearing taking place at the Royal Courts of Justice this week.

Here we explain who Assange is, how it got to this stage and what could happen next:

Who is Julian Assange?

Julian Assange was born in Townsville, Australia, and had a nomadic childhood, travelling across more than 30 towns and cities in his native country with his parents separating before he was born.

A keen student of programming and maths, he quickly gained a reputation as an astute computer programmer which led to him becoming skilled in hacking.

In 1996, he pleaded guilty to 24 hacking charges in Australia before being fined, only avoiding a prison sentence after promising not to do it again.

He went on to study at the University of Melbourne between 2003 and 2006 but did not complete a degree.

Julian Assange sought refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012 and remained there until 2019, when he was arrested and sent to Belmarsh, where he has been ever since
Julian Assange sought refuge in the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012 and remained there until 2019, when he was arrested and sent to Belmarsh, where he has been ever since (PA Archive)

As a teenager, Assange married a woman called Teresa but the pair later separated. He is now married to Stella Assange, a lawyer who met him in 2011 when she was hired as part of his legal team.

What is WikiLeaks?

Assange founded the website WikiLeaks in 2006. Using his computing skills, he created an online platform for people to anonymously submit classified leaks such as documents and videos.

Since its birth it has released around 10 million classified documents, including files on US military activities in the US.

It rose to prominence in April 2010 when it published a classified video showing a 2007 US helicopter attack in Iraq’s capital Baghdad that killed a dozen people, including two Reuters journalists.

Demonstrators show their support to Assange before the appeal hearing on Tuesday morning
Demonstrators show their support to Assange before the appeal hearing on Tuesday morning (AFP via Getty Images)

On the Afghanistan war, it’s claimed more than 90,000 classified US military documents were released and on the invasion of Iraq around 400,000 confidential US files.

The leaks, described as the largest security breaches of their kind in US military history, angered and embarrassed US politicians and military officials who claimed the disclosure put lives at risk.

But defenders of the website say it reveals unreported incidents including the killing of civilians.

What is Assange charged with by the US?

Back in 2019, the US authorities reacted to the continued publishing of documents from WikiLeaks by charging him with conspiracy to commit computer intrusion for agreeing to break a password to a classified US government computer.

In a press release issued by the US Office of Public Affairs, which can be seen here, it said the charge related to “Assange’s alleged role in one of the largest compromises of classified information in the history of the United States”.

Later in the same year, he was then charged with an 18-count indictment superseding the previous that alleged he had repeatedly sought, obtained and disseminated information that the US classified “due to the serious risk that unauthorised disclosure could harm the national security of the US”.

Following the issuing of an indictment, the US began extradition authorities to bring Assange to the US. His lawyers claim that he will face up to 175 years in jail if convicted.

What has Assange been doing up till now?

Assange has been restricted in his movements for almost 14 years.

It started when Swedish authorities issued an arrest warrant for Assange in 2010 as they investigating an allegation of rape against him while he was in the country - and asked the UK to extradite Assange.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy prior to speaking, in London,
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gestures on the balcony of the Ecuadorian embassy prior to speaking, in London, (AP)

Assange was arrested by British police and after he lost an appeal against extradition he sought asylum in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London, claiming the Swedish case would lead him to being sent to the US.

Assange spent seven years in the embassy before in 2019 he was detained by police again for breaching bail conditions connected to his arrest for the Swedish case. In the same year, Swedish authorities dropped their case against Assange.

Assange was given a 50-week prison sentence - and has remained at Belmarsh prison since, fighting his extradition to the US.

How has Assange prevented extradition to the US up till now?

Assange and his supporters have resisted strongly to extradition to the US - and their campaign looked to have been successful when Judge Vanessa Baraitser refused his extradition because of fears that he could take his own life in January 2021.

The decision was met with joy by his supporters, however it was to be short-lived.

In December of the same year, US authorities won an appeal at London’s High Court against the decision, after giving a package of assurances about the conditions of Assange’s detention if convicted, including a pledge he could be transferred to Australia to serve any sentence.

Stella Assange leads the protest outside the High Court on Tuesday where the last bid to stop extradition under UK appeal process takes place
Stella Assange leads the protest outside the High Court on Tuesday where the last bid to stop extradition under UK appeal process takes place (PA)

In a further blow to his supporters, in June 2022, home secretary Priti Patel approved the extradition, and last year a judge at London’s High Court turned down his request for an appeal.

A two-day hearing this week is Assange’s last chance to appeal in the UK legal process. If he succeeds, his case will go to a full appeal.

If he loses, the only remaining block to his extradition lies with the European Court of Human Rights - a move his legal team have already said they would take.

Assange’s brother, Gabriel Shipton, said he was going through an “immense amount of suffering” while being held in prison and said his health was “deteriorating”.

Who are his supporters?

Assange’s fight against US extradition has attracted wide support from around the world, including country leaders and media freedom activists.

At the protest which took place outside the Royal Courts of Justice on Tuesday morning, Assange’s wife Stella led a round of speakers which included former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, Tim Dawson, the deputy general secretary of the International Federation of Journalists, Labour MP for Coventry South Zarah Sultana and MP for Poplar and Limehouse, Apsana Begum.

In September 2020, 160 former and current world leaders and diplomats signed a letter demanding the UK government prevent his extradition. Support has also come from former Argentina president Alberto Fernadez and former Brazilian leader Lula Da Silva.

Rights groups such as Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union have called for his release.

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