Festival No.6 asks... Lianne La Havas


Monday 02 September 2013 15:14 BST

We spoke to Lianne La Havas ahead of her performance at this year's Festival No. 6.

Describe your music in three words

Guitar and bee.

If you owned a festival, what would you call it and why?

Eclectifest - because it would have a very eclectic line-up.

Who from the Festival No. 6 line-up is your must-see act?

London Grammar.

Name five people (dead and alive) you would like to go to a festival with

Bob Marley, Jimmy Hendrix, Nina Simone, Prince and Ozzy Osbourne.

What’s your best festival moment?

This year playing my first time at Glastonbury 2013, but soon it will be Festival number 6!

What record changed your life?

In Rainbows - Radiohead.

If you ruled the world what would your first rule be?

Compulsory margaritas on all flights and free deodorant for everyone.

Who would be your ideal headlining act at a festival?

Bob Marley.

Who were your biggest influences?

Five, Spice Girls, Lauryn Hill and Michael Jackson.

What inspires you?

Art in general and my personal life.

What’s coming up for you in the next year?

I'm just about to go to Japan on tour for the first time in September, then writing and recording the second studio album and hopefully releasing something in the interim.

Lianne La Havas is performing at Festival No. 6 which takes place on the 13-15 September in Portmeirion, Wales

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