Travel Questions

Travel questions: What’s the best way to book a holiday to Spain via train?

Simon Calder answers your questions on European and Asian holidays and ‘minimising’ travel

Monday 29 March 2021 21:30 BST
A greener journey to Malaga is more preferable than a flight
A greener journey to Malaga is more preferable than a flight (Getty/iStock)

Q Is there any “one stop shop” where you can book a train ticket from Eastbourne to Malaga (or similar)? I’d prefer to travel “greener” but it’s virtually impossible to book compared with air travel.

“That Man Gaz”

A I fondly and perhaps erroneously imagine that once upon a time you could have walked into a branch of Thomas Cook in Eastbourne and walked out with a ticket taking you across the Channel from nearby Newhaven to Dieppe, onwards to Paris and Madrid, with a final leg through the rugged Spanish interior to the coast.

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