Ten crew members catch coronavirus on river cruise

‘We deeply regret these circumstances,’ says cruise company

Helen Coffey
Friday 06 November 2020 15:53 GMT
The outbreak occurred on a river cruise
The outbreak occurred on a river cruise (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Ten crew members have tested positive for Covid-19 onboard a river cruise.

The outbreak occurred on the MS Thurgau Chopin on 31 October, when all guests were told to Disembark the ship in Potsdam, Germany.

One crew member, who was symptomless, initially tested positive for coronavirus, followed by nine other crew mates.

No guests have so far tested positive for the virus.

The cruise was chartered by Nicko Cruises, which stated that it was “deeply regretful” for the event.

Nicko Cruises told shipping magazine ShipMag: “We were informed on Saturday morning by our partner shipping company that a crew member of the MS Thurgau Chopin –without symptoms – had tested positive for Corona.

“The health department was informed and assigned all 28 guests to contact level 2. The guests were able to leave the ship at noon and were asked by the health department to contact the responsible health department at their home for further steps.

“Together with the shipping company, we implemented comprehensive infection protection measures, including antibody and antigen rapid tests on embarkation, daily fever measurements, compulsory masks for walking routes and distance rules, which have been used successfully since June.”

It added that the 10 crewmates were currently in self-isolation on the ship.

“We deeply regret these circumstances and are in close contact with our partner shipping company to clarify how an infection could occur despite extensive hygiene measures,” concluded the statement.

It follows a much more serious Covid-19 outbreak on a river cruise last month.

The German cruise became the centre of a superspreading event after around two thirds of the passengers on board tested positive for coronavirus.

The mostly Swiss holidaymakers were on a folk music-themed cruise from Passau to Frankfurt between 10 and 17 October, aboard the Scylla AG operated MS Swiss Crystal.

The organisers, Hanspeter and Elsbeth Balsiger, who have both tested positive for Covid-19 since the cruise, said that protection measures were in place.

But at dinner time, when masks were off, there was a brass band playing, singing and yodelling according to guests on board.

Following the cruise, around 60 of the 92 passengers on board tested positive for Covid-19.

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