UK prisons could use eagles to stop drug and weapon smuggling drones, Justice Minister suggests

Sam Gyimah says use of drones to smuggle drugs and weapons is a 'game-changer'

Samuel Osborne
Tuesday 01 November 2016 14:26 GMT
Dutch police have already trained eagles to take down drones
Dutch police have already trained eagles to take down drones (Youtube)

Eagles could be used to stop drones from smuggling drugs and weapons into UK jails, the Prisons Minister has suggested.

Speaking during Justice Questions in the House of Commons, Sam Gyimah said the use of drones to smuggle contraband into prison was a "game-changer," the BBC reports.

Asked by Conservative backbencher Sir Desmond Swayne how drone deliveries to prisons could be stopped, Mr Gyimah said he was "keeping a close eye on what's happening in Holland, where they're using eagles to stop drones".

Dutch police have released video showing trained eagles plucking drones out of the sky.

Dutch police train eagles to take down drones

When Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, was shown the footage, he reportedly spoke enthusiastically about the idea at a police management meeting.

A Met spokeswoman said: “As would be expected in an organisation that is transforming, we take an interest in all innovative ideas and will of course be looking at the use of eagles by the Dutch police.”

Eagles could also be used to stop drones from lfying into airports and to protect Britain's nuclear power stations from attack by terrorists' drones.

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