Burger King: Uproar on social media as fast-food chain ‘totally misses the mark’ in new Pride month ad

‘Ordering fast food doesn’t need to be a political statement for me’

Peony Hirwani
Tuesday 07 June 2022 06:03 BST
Take a look inside Burger King’s first all-vegan restaurant

Burger King Austria’s new Pride month ad has upset many people on social media.

Last week, the hamburger fast-food chain unveiled a “Pride whopper”, which consists of the same normal hamburger sandwich, but with “two equal buns,” which means a person can get it with either two top halves or two bottom halves.

The campaign is running only in Austria until 20 June, but has attracted the attention of people from all over the world, who think Burger King has “totally missed the mark on this one”.

“Burger King Austria made a Pride burger that’s either two tops or two bottoms… what in straight hell?” Netflix’s Jarett Wieselman wrote on Twitter.

Author Brigitte Gabriel added: “Burger King has introduced a new ‘Pride Whopper’ where you can order it with two tops or two bottoms of buns. What a strange advertisement. I’ll take my Whopper with a regular bun because ordering fast food doesn’t need to be a political statement for me.”

One more person wrote: “Burger King could have taken advantage of pride month to give us Pretty Pattie’s but they decided to stoop to stale sex jokes instead.”

On Burger King Austria’s Instagram post, many people have commented asking the company whether they’re donating proceeds from this new campaign.

“What about the proceeds? One day into pride month and already exhausted,” one person wrote.

Another person commented: “As a gay person, no.”

A person from the US added: “Even though this is only available in Austria, and even though I’m all for folks living whatever lifestyle they choose, I really DO NOT want my food sexualised. Is that ok? Can we draw a line?”

This isn’t Burger King’s first pride campaign. In 2014, the company was selling a “Proud Whopper” in San Francisco as part of Pride Month.

It consisted of a burger in rainbow wrapping bearing the oddly juxtaposing tagline: “We’re all the same on the inside.”

June is Pride Month, dedicated to the celebration of LGBT+ culture, history, and activism. Traditionally, Pride Month has been marked by worldwide parades and lively performances to celebrate gay, lesbian, and trans culture.

It reflects the ongoing fight against discrimination and injustice towards the LGBT+ community.

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