Activist opens RNC by saying Trump is ‘bodyguard of civilisation’ who gave up life of luxury to save US

Charlie Kirk claims November’s election most important since the 1860s

Andrew Buncombe
Monday 24 August 2020 22:02 BST
Turning Point founder Charlie Kirk opens RNC claiming Trump is 'bodyguard of civilisation'

A Republican activist has claimed Donald Trump is the "bodyguard of civilisation" who gave up a life of luxury to save the US.

In a series of extravagant and seemingly exaggerated comments to mark the start of the Republican National Convention, Charlie Kirk heaped tributes on the president and said he was elected four years ago to defend the "American way of life".

“From that moment he came down that famous escalator, he started a movement to reclaim our government from the rotten cartel of insiders that have been destroying our country,” said Mr Kirk, the founder of the youth activist group Turning Point USA.

He added: “We may not have realised it at the time, but Trump is the bodyguard of western civilisation.”

Donald Trump leaves the stage after speaking at Flavor 1st Growers & Packers on August 24, 2020 in Mills River, North Carolina
Donald Trump leaves the stage after speaking at Flavor 1st Growers & Packers on August 24, 2020 in Mills River, North Carolina (Getty Images)

Mr Kirk, 26, claimed the 74-year-old Mr Trump had given up a life of luxury to serve as president.

Critics of Mr Trump have said his decision to continue to benefit from his business holdings while in office is unprecedented, while others have said he has continued to visit his own resorts and clubs at taxpayers' expense.

“Trump was elected to protect our families from the vengeful mob that seeks to destroy our way of life, our neighbourhoods, schools, churches, and values,” said Mr Kirk.

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“President Trump was elected to defend the American way of life.”

Like many commentators who have reflected on November’s election, Mr Kirk said this year’s race was among the most important in more than a generation, though for a different reason to critics of Mr Trump.

“This election is the most critical since 1860, when a man named Lincoln was elected to preserve the union from disintegration. This election is not just the most important of our lifetime — it is most important since the preservation of the Republic in 1865,” he said.

“By re-electing Trump, we will ensure that our kids are raised to love our country and respect our founding father, not taught to hate or be ashamed of them.”

He added: “We will be a country that has its best 100 years ahead. We will build a future where America remains the greatest country ever to exist in the history of the world.

“All of that is within our grasp if we secure four more years for the defender of western civilisation, our champion, my friend, the 45th president of the United States, president Donald J Trump.”

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