Rudy Giuliani slams Black Lives Matter in RNC speech

'A vote for Biden creates the risk that you will bring this lawlessness to your city, town or suburb'

Andrew Buncombe
Thursday 27 August 2020 22:51 BST
Rudy Giuliani slams Black Lives Matter in 'race-baiting' RNC speech

Rudy Giuliani has delivered a barbed attack on Black Lives Matter protesters, in a speech in which the former New York mayor said only Donald Trump could make America safe.

As a succession of speakers on the final night of the Republican National Convention sought to stir the fear of a spike in lawlessness if Democrats were elected, Mr Giuliani claimed he no longer recognised the city which he once ran.

“Today my city is in shock. Murders, shootings and violent crime are increasing at percentages unheard of in the past,” he said, referring to a spike in shootings and other violent offences that officials have blamed on the pandemic.

“We are seeing the return of rioting and looting. During riots the Democrat mayor like others has often prevented the police from making arrests.”

Trump supporters gather at the White House ahead of an address by the president at the climax of the Republican National Convention
Trump supporters gather at the White House ahead of an address by the president at the climax of the Republican National Convention (REUTERS)

Mr Giuliani also laid into people who have been protesting for racial justice, accusing them of being selective about which victims to support.

He also claimed that Joe Biden’s agenda would be taken over by hardcore progressives if elected.

Protesters rally against Trump ahead of RNC speech

“Biden has changed his principles so often, he no longer has any principles. He disavowed his authorship of the 1994 Crime Bill,” he said.

“He’s a Trojan Horse with Bernie, AOC, Pelosi, Black Lives Matter and his party’s entire left wing hidden inside his body just waiting to execute their pro-criminal, anti-police policies.”

The former mayor’s speech was widely attacked on social media and not for the first time, he was accused of race baiting.

He also claimed that policies enacted by Mr Biden and Barack Obama to create more diversified communities had increased crime.

“It is clear that a vote for Biden and the Democrats creates the risk that you will bring this lawlessness to your city, town or suburb,” he said.

‘It can come to where you live. Vote for president Trump and he will fight to preserve your safety, and to protect the American way of life.”

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