Drone video shows level of devastation in Damascus

The footage was captured over the Syrian capital's district of Jobar

Charlie Atkin
Wednesday 23 December 2015 15:36 GMT
Syria: Drone captures devastated Damascus suburb

Drone footage has emerged that shows the level of devastation suffered by the Syrian capital Damascus.

The video was recorded over the district of Jobar, a rebel-held suburb and the scene of ongoing clashes between anti-government forces and Syrian Arab Army troops.

The current state of Jobar, Damascus
The current state of Jobar, Damascus (RT)

Before the Syrian civil war began in 2011, the district was home to around 300,000 people and several landmarks such as the Green Synagogue, the tomb of prophet Elijah and the Grand Jobar Mosque.

The drone footage shows the little left of that heritage, with derelict buildings stretching into the distance.

Forces loyal to Bashar Al-Assad attempted to retake Jobar with the help of Russian air strikes.

Such attacks have driven those in Jobar underground, with tunnels stretching hundreds of kilometers lying beneath the city.

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