Jack Wilshere meets GOSH's young patients and backs The Independent's appeal

During his visit the Arsenal star went head-to-head in a game of finger football with a patient and explained why he's endorsing Give to GOSH

Anna Davis
Tuesday 19 January 2016 17:38 GMT
Jack Wilshere plays finger football with seven-year-old Chloe Evans, who has a rare condition affecting the central nervous system
Jack Wilshere plays finger football with seven-year-old Chloe Evans, who has a rare condition affecting the central nervous system (Alex Lentati)

England football star Jack Wilshere today became the latest celebrity to back The Independent's Give to GOSH appeal after visiting sick children in the hospital.

The 24-year-old Arsenal midfielder met children being treated for neurological conditions such as epilepsy, brain tumours and strokes at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

Backing the appeal, he said: “It’s a great way to remind people why it’s so important to keep raising money to help more children and find more treatments to help generations to come.”

The father of two added: “As soon as I became a dad I really knew what it felt like to love someone unconditionally. You worry about your children constantly and you realise how precious they are. No one would want their child to be unwell so if I can help put a smile on their faces it’s the least I can do.

“My son loves superheroes and if he thought a superhero would visit him it would make him happy. People love football so it’s great to see the kids’ reactions. I like it when they ask me questions or give me stick; it’s great to see their personalities.”

Wilshere with 12-year-old Humza Hussein
Wilshere with 12-year-old Humza Hussein

During the visit he met his match in seven-year-old Chloe Evans, who challenged him to a game of finger football.

Chloe, from Whitstable in Kent, was just as competitive as the soccer professional, and the game finished in a 4-4 draw.

She has neurocutaneous melanosis (NCM), a rare congenital neurological disorder which affects the central nervous system. It causes moles to grow over her body, including lesions on her brain which trigger epilepsy.

Chloe plays football at school and told Wilshere about her soccer skills.

The pair met in the telemetry room, which has equipment to monitor brain activity and help to pinpoint the area that is causing seizures.

Wilshere also chatted wth Josh Carrington, 10, from Bournemouth, who is recovering from surgery to stop a bleed on his brain, caused by a tumour he has had since birth. The Southampton fan asked him when was the last time he scored a goal — the answer was in June, for England against Slovenia — helping secure England a 3-2 victory.


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