The compassion of our readers gives me hope

It’s clear that many Independent readers care deeply about issues of injustice, both in Britain and around the world, writes Harriet Williamson

Sunday 09 January 2022 21:30 GMT
‘When we lose our compassion, we become easy prey for those who seek to exploit our differences’
‘When we lose our compassion, we become easy prey for those who seek to exploit our differences’ (Getty/iStock)

Too often, I find myself fearing that the UK is becoming a place where compassion is in short supply.

Perhaps this is partly down to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, a consequence of more than a decade of Tory austerity, or due to the shifting of the political centre ground towards more right-wing ideals.

At a time when so many families and vulnerable people find themselves in increasingly precarious situations, it’s more important than ever that we see others – particularly those more marginalised than ourselves – as human beings who deserve kindness and respect.

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