Why are multi-millionaires so desperate to run our government?

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Friday 03 February 2023 10:12 GMT
Surely their normal lifestyle eclipses the standards and restrictions of Downing Street?
Surely their normal lifestyle eclipses the standards and restrictions of Downing Street? (Getty)

Why are the wealthiest so keen to be in power? Why do people who are already multi-millionaires want to run our government?  What does it give them? Surely their normal lifestyle eclipses whatever standards of accommodation or service are available in Downing Street or Chequers. It simply draws them, and their tax affairs, into the public spotlight.

They live in a social environment completely out of touch with the vast majority of the UK population, they cannot possibly relate to the everyday challenges faced by most. If the motivation was to help other people, surely that could be done in a philanthropic way – by using a fraction of their vast wealth. I doubt they would even notice its absence.

Two things spring to mind that may be motivators:

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