If you liked Ted Cruz’s Twitter pledge of allegiance, you’ll love what he’s planning next

The senator from Texas is about to weigh in on some of the most consequential issues facing our democracy

Meredith Carroll
New York
Tuesday 15 June 2021 19:27 BST
(Getty Images)

When California asked its residents to conserve energy during statewide power outages last August amid the backdrop of a record heatwave, Texas senator and all-around team player Ted Cruz helpfully tweeted: “California is now unable to perform even basic functions of civilization, like having reliable electricity.”

When the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) asked residents on Monday to conserve energy “as much as possible” this week due to temperatures that will soar as high as 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.8°C) and strain his own state’s power grid, Cruz valiantly took to Twitter once again. However, he didn’t mention the looming crisis in his state. No, Cruz posted a 14-second video of himself, standing nose-to-nose with an American flag, to which he recited the pledge of allegiance.

“This didn’t used to be controversial,” he captioned the video.

The video comes just months after Cruz took off for a luxury family holiday in Cancun, Mexico, in the middle of another energy crisis in his home state in which a winter storm, frigid temperatures and energy blackouts left over 100 people dead and millions freezing. And with a long track record of stirring needless debate through tweets — particularly when his point of view is most insignificant and unwelcome, and especially in matters utterly irrelevant to the life and death of his constituents — it’s a gimmick that seems to come naturally to him.

While Texas sweats it out once again — this time literally — its junior senator has remained reliably and coolly silent. From wherever he’s seeking shelter from the scorching heat (the money in Vegas is on him whale-watching aboard a Carnival Cruise in Alaska), Cruz did manage to tweet insults about President Biden, Vice President Harris and Dr Anthony Fauci on Tuesday morning, all while remaining mum on both his fearless pledge of allegiance and ERCOT warnings of more blackouts in Texas.

Undeterred by his temporary muzzle, the world nevertheless breathlessly parked itself on Cruz’s Twitter page in the hopes he might finally weigh in other controversies pressing on the consciousness and conscience of America, including:

• Sandals with socks;

• Bennifer 2.0;

• Olympic burrito bans;

The Bachelorette;

• President Biden’s RayBans;

• Gender pronouns for dogs;

• Facial hair in a post-Covid-19 world;

• The end of Keeping up with the Kardashians;

• MLB All-Star Voting and whether or not it will be certified;

• Ties for Father’s Day gifts (again?);

• Whether Amelia Hamlin is too young for Scott Disick;

• The lackluster box office performance of In the Heights;

• Squishmallows vs. Beanie Boos;

• Megan Markle vs Ted Cruz: Who sold fewer books? Who can count that low?;

• Whether Chrissy Teigen might follow him on Twitter;

• Whether Dorit from The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills had a nose job;

• Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul and whether they might tag Cruz in next time

• Miley Cyrus’ butt selfie: Is it double standards if Cruz can’t do one too?

• Were Ross and Rachel on a break?;

• Coke or Pepsi?;

• Who shot JR?;

• Hunter Biden’s laptop;

• Hillary’s emails (because when all else fails . . .).

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