Six-year-old finds bullet in pack of Cheetos

Frito-Lay says it is working to remedy ‘highly unusual and troubling’ find

Graeme Massie
Los Angeles
Tuesday 06 April 2021 21:44 BST
Six year old finds bullet in pack of Cheetos
Six year old finds bullet in pack of Cheetos (Getty/iStock)

A Montana man says his six-year-old son found a bullet at the bottom of a bag of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos snacks.

Bow Horn Weasel claims the youngster made the bizarre discovery and managed to avoid accidentally eating it, says TMZ.

The bullet was reportedly covered in the same hot-cheese powder as the rest of the snacks in the bag.

Mr Weasel says he reached out to manufacturer Frito-lay and that they have since spoken about how to remedy the situation.

“Frito-Lay is committed to ensuring the quality and safety of our products. This situation is highly unusual and troubling, and we have already taken steps to investigate and attempt to identify the root cause,” the company said in a statement.

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“We appreciate Mr Weasel bringing this to our attention and will continue to work with him to resolve this matter.”

The alleged incident came just weeks after a Los Angeles man claimed he found shrimp tails in a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch breakfast cereal.

Comedian and TV writer Jensen Karp posted a picture of the find to Twitter asking the company how it had happened.

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