Edinburgh Festival 1993: APPARENTLY . . .

Sunday 22 August 1993 23:02 BST

UNLUCKY for some, the number 13 is proving deadly for the cast of High 'Rise' Society at The Calton. Since opening on Friday 13 August, for a run of some 13 performances (and starring their 13th new cast member), the production has been plagued with technical problems and poor attendances. And it was no publicity stunt when the jaded cast found themselves pushing their vehicle (in full costume) down the entire length of Leith Walk, after discovering a blown gasket and slashed tyres. The final straw came at the weekend, when the newly-repaired car blew up. Now the RAC has promised to tow the full company and vehicle all the way back to Manchester when the run finishes later this week.

DESPITE predictions that it would waltz into the West End, audiences at Arthur Smith's Sod have been less than riveted. Saturday's performance heard the distinctive sound of snoring from the stalls, followed by the thud of a comatose body hitting the floor. This was followed by Malcolm Hay, comedy editor of Time Out, humming loudly to himself until his companion Toni Arthur hissed at him to stop. Ticket sales for Sod continue to look healthy, perhaps because weary fringe-goers need their mid-afternoon siestas.

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