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Alan Hiron
Sunday 13 April 1997 00:02 BST

To make a contract by means of a swindle is always satisfying, but when your opponents are ex-world champions - wow! On this deal from the Brazilian Championships Paulo Brum (South) was opposed by Ga briel Chagas and Marcelo Branco.

East opened One Spade and South decided to double before showing his hearts. West bid Two Clubs (no, not a misprint, but a transfer to diamonds!) and North passed. But when East bid Two Diamonds, it was not clear to Gabriel whether East held genuine support for diamonds or was merely being dutiful. This explains why South's next bid of Four Hearts was passed out, although East-West can make Five Diamonds.

West led the ace of diamonds and, after ruffing, declarer led a spade. East took his two winners in the suit and led a third round, hoping for a trump promotion. South ruffed with the jack and led the queen. To prevent declarer gaining an entry to dummy with the nine, East held off - without the slightest hesitation to suggest that he could have won the trick.

It looked all over, but Brum smoothly led the jack of clubs from his hand! Chagas studied this for a long time - it seemed clear to him that his partner held a top club, in which case there was no rush. Remember, the poor fellow did not know that his partner had a trump trick to come. He fell for it and played low. Oh dear! Gabriel has been telling this story against himself ever since.

GAME ALL: dealer East


] Q J 10 3

_ 9 4

+ 9 8 7 2

[ 10 5 4

West East

] 6 5 ] A K 9 7 2

_ 2 _ A 6

+ A K J 10 6 3 + Q 5 4

[ Q 7 3 2 [ 9 8 6


] 8 4

_ K Q J 10 8 7 5 3

+ None

[ A K J

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