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Inside Out with all the emotions removed will still make you cry

There goes Pixar, still surfing along in an unstoppable wave of your tears

Clarisse Loughrey
Monday 04 January 2016 11:06 GMT

If you thought your only weakness to Pixar's Inside Out was Bing Bong; you are so, tragically wrong. 

Each and every frame of this movie could hit you at any moment, to make your eyes violently wet themselves with a mere orchestral flair or nostalgic reminiscence. As Reddit user cadweasel's video proves, even removing the titular 'Inside' from the equation still makes for a heart-breaking tale, without the need to even enter Riley's 11-year-old mind. 

Transformed into a 15-minute short with the total absence of Joy, Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Disgust; Pixar's film becomes a simple, yet emotionally honest, story of a young girl struggling to cope with her family's upheaval to San Francisco. 

It's a testament to Pixar's art of empathy, of relaying stories and experiences audiences can universally relate to, even if the vessels for those stories are interplanetary robots and furry monsters; here, we explore the difficulties of letting go of childhood and embracing change.

Come on, it's pretty impossible not to choke just a little on the wave of feelings induced by little Riley bursting into tears in class when she fully takes stock of the life and traditions she's left behind in Minnesota; or in the video's final moments, with her parents reassuring her it's OK to miss her old home, and that it's together they'll be able to find a new happiness.

Inside Out is available on DVD & Blu-ray now.

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