Letter: Mobile message

Richard Branson
Thursday 18 November 1999 00:02 GMT


Mobile message

Sir: In writing the diary story about Virgin Mobile, our new venture, Pandora (16 November) chose to rely on incorrect and very old reports in other newspapers.

Before my friend Michael von Clemm died of a brain tumour, he told me that he suspected the tumour might have had something to do with his regular use of a mobile phone. He did not know for certain if there was a link, nor did his doctors, and nor do I.

What I said at the time of his death was that Michael said his mobile use might have been a factor in his death. That is very different from what you implied I said. As you know, there is no evidence linking mobile phone usage and ill health.

Nor did I ban Virgin staff from using mobiles without earpieces. All Virgin staff who use a company mobile phone are given free earpieces, or can buy one on the company, and it remains a matter of personal choice as to whether or not they use them.

Every Virgin Mobile phone sold to the public comes with a free earpiece - something unique to Virgin Mobile.



Virgin Mobile

London W8

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