Letter: No one elected

Alan J. Edwards
Monday 29 November 1999 00:02 GMT

Sir: In view of the apathy shown by the voters in the Kensington and Chelsea by-election, where less than 30 per cent chose to vote, the time has come for some action to be taken over this undemocratic election of a candidate. Where more than 70 per cent of this constituency apparently do not want representation in Parliament, the only proper course is to declare the by-election null and void.

This should be the case in all elections, be they European, parliamentary or local government. Where more than 50 per cent of the voters of a constituency or ward, by abstaining from voting, indicate that they do not require representation at that level of government, their wishes should be respected and no representative should be elected.

It is democratically wrong to foist an unwanted representative upon a body of citizens who, by deliberately not voting for any candidate, make their feelings so obviously apparent.



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