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Music & Me: James Yuill

Tuesday 20 July 2010 09:20 BST

The first record I bought was...

Earth, Wind & Fire - Greatest Hits Volume 1 on cassette. It was originally for my sister but i stole it back

The first gig I went to was..

Ash at the London Astoria. a mate lost his shoe in the mosh pit. They were supported by Scarfo. It was also one of my first times being unsupervised in the big city.

My favourite album is...

That's a difficult question. but I'd say it's a toss up between Nick Drake Five Leaves Left and Jackson & His Computer Band's Smash

But my parents always liked...

My dad is heavily into classical music and my mum likes more poppy stuff. I managed to liberate a Cat Stevens vinyl from my mum's collection when i was growing up. So she definitely has taste.

I couldn’t marry someone who liked...

Elvis... I don't like Elvis at all, despite him influencing The Beatles.

In the studio I like to wear...

Smart casual wear? It tends to get quite hot in the studio so I have in the past been topless whilst recording bass parts

I’d love to have on my show...

On my show? Do you mean if I had a chat show? Um...The Stig from Top Gear...he looks like a riot!

One thing that must change in the music industry is...


A great album cover is...

Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here

On my iPod I listen most to...

Hystereo's 2005 album Corporate Crimewave. A timeless classic that didn't get the attention it deserved

If I could have written any song it would have been...

Take That's Rule The World

The worst song I’ve heard is...

It's not the worst but it is bad... She Wolf by Shakira.

James's Yuill's album Movement In A Storm is out now on Moshi Moshi

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