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Find out what song was number one on the day you were born


Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 04 August 2015 12:27 BST

If learning what film was #1 at the box office on the day you were born intrigued you, the tool that tells you what song was playing as you breathed your first breath might also be of interest.

This Day In Music works as far back as 1946 and yields results for the American, UK, Australian, Canadian and German charts.

If you were lucky enough to be born on 3 August, 2003 for instance, then the majority of people in the UK were listening to this total jam:

Unlike the film version, this site doesn’t pull up the track itself, but it’s only a YouTube away.

Perhaps the most interesting thing to be learnt from the tool is just how disposable music is, with many of the tracks being impossible to recall despite having topped the charts.

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