THEATRE / Rex: David Holman on Rex, a play for five to eight-year-olds: 'The ecological message sits a little bit awkwardly. But it's racy, it's fun'

David Holman
Wednesday 09 December 1992 00:02 GMT

'Rex' by Richard Langridge concerns the arrival of a small dinosaur from outer space on the hunt for his unhatched brother. In this scene, Rex has recently landed on a beach in Scarborough to the astonishment of some local children.

Danny Tell me who you are]

(The dinosaur looks at him. Then, rather coldly, stares him out. His tail begins to twitch - like a cat's)

Rex OK. If you want proof, touch me. Go on.

Danny (To Paul) Touch him.

Paul You] You touch him.

(Reluctantly, Danny touches his skin.)


Jacinda What's it like?

Danny It's cold.

Paul What did you expect? He's a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Danny I've never touched one before]


Rex Now give me some seaweed.

Danny Seaweed?

Rex Yeah, it's a delicacy where I come from. A treat like.

Jacinda Like Tiramisu.

Rex I don't know that.

Jacinda Never mind.

(Danny goes over to a rock pond and pulls out a straggle of seaweed.)

Danny I'm not handing it to him. He might bite my hand off.

Paul Thought you said it was a man in a suit.

Danny Yeah, well . . .

Jacinda I'll give it to him.

(Jacinda takes the seaweed off Danny and hands it up to Rex. Rex puts out a large pink tongue and sucks it in. A burp])

Rex Ta. Great. Much appreciated.

Paul (To Danny) Convinced?

(Danny says nothing.)

Paul Look. He's a dinosaur. And he's arrived in Scarborough in a spaceship. It's quite easy to understand.

Rex Scarborough's the difficult bit really.

Danny But what's he doing here?

(All three children look at Rex expectantly.)


Rex Oh well, that's easy isn't it. I'm here to get my brother aren't I?

(Photograph omitted)

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