Did David Cameron sing The West Wing theme after handing over prime ministerial duties to Theresa May?


Christopher Hooton
Tuesday 12 July 2016 13:25 BST
Cameron appears to hum West Wing theme tune as he finishes resignation announcement

In comfortably the best ‘hot mic’ moment of the year, prime minister David Cameron has been caught singing a “little sorrowful tune” as he re-entered 10 Downing Street after announcing Theresa May as the new PM.

If that wasn’t enough, it sounds very much like he’s singing the coda of The West Wing theme, a melancholy ditty that perfectly sums up the passing of power.

The song (hereon ‘Cameron’s Theme’?) was picked up by a microphone on his lapel that was left switched on after his statement.

Cameron followed up his weary mini-aria with a preparatory 'Right!', though it's unclear what he is headed off to do.

One Twitter user described the moment as the "sounds of a man who has just cleared his desk before a long holiday".

The West Wing was an acclaimed US political drama and its final episode marries up quite nicely with today's events, seeing President Santos inaugurated as protagonist President Bartlet leaves office.

To be clear, Cameron gets the cadence slightly wrong.

Cameron: "Do-doooo! Do-doooo."

West Wing: "Doooo! Do-do-doooo."

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