Alec Baldwin fires back at Donald Trump over 'Alex Baldwin' Twitter rant

'And Mr President...please ask your wife to stop calling me for SNL tickets'

Christopher Hooton
Friday 02 March 2018 14:39 GMT
Trump's 100 Days: Alec Baldwin's best bits on Saturday Night Live

"Alex Baldwin" himself has responded to the President of the United States of America's early morning Twitter tirade against him.

Quickly reposting a corrected version of the tweet that initially misspelled the actor's name with both mentions of it, Trump said (sic): "Alex Baldwin, whose dieing mediocre career was saved by his impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing DJT was agony for him," he wrote. "Alex, it was also agony for those who were forced to watch. You were terrible. Bring back Darrell Hammond, much funnier and a far greater talent!"

Tweeting through his foundation, Baldwin fired back: "Agony though it may be, I’d like to hang in there for the impeachment hearings, the resignation speech, the farewell helicopter ride to Mara-A-Lago. You know. The Good Stuff. That we’ve all been waiting for.

Looking forward to the Trump Presidential Library. A putting green. Recipes for chocolate cake. A live Twitter feed for visitors to post on. A little black book w the phone numbers of porn stars. You’re in and out in five minutes. Just like..."

"And Mr President...please ask your wife to stop calling me for SNL tickets. (Hey, Melania...we’ve got Charles Barkley this Saturday!)

"Signing off for now. On my way to shoot MOTHERLESS BROOKLYN and grateful to be working w Edward Norton, Cherry Jones, Willem Dafoe, Bruce Willis, Bobby Canavale, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Michael K Williams. If this is mediocrity, give me more."

Trump's original tweet was a reference to a Hollywood Reporter interview in which Baldwin said of the impression that "every time I do it now, it’s like agony. Agony. I can’t". He seemed to suggest that he was so upset about the President's continuing popularity that portraying him hurt, and indicated that he may not continue to do the impersonation.

Darrell Hammond is an impressionist who portrayed Trump on Saturday Night Live until 2016, when producers decided that Alec Baldwin would take over the job. Hammond had played the role for more than a decade, impersonating Trump long before he launched his bid for president and losing it as the election approached.

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