Game of Thrones season 6 episode 9: New photos give in depth look into the 'Battle of the Bastards'

'Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted'

Jack Shepherd
Thursday 16 June 2016 08:11 BST

Sadly, season six of Game of Thrones is coming to an end, but not before a huge send-off.

Episode nine, “BastardBowl Battle of the Bastards,” looks set to be this season’s highlight; directed by the same person who helmed “Hardhome,” the show’s best-rated episode on IMDB, and already put forward for an Emmy.

Thanks to HBO, we’ve got our first look at the titular battle, which will see Ramsey Bolton and Jon Snow lead their respective army’s into battle; one filled with Wildlings, the other, trained knights.

From the eight photos, it’s made obvious Jon’s at a disadvantage. The Bolton army is both well armed and in a strong formation, while the Wildlings - less structured and fewer in number - have Wun Wun.

Who will win? Well, this show has already killed off Jon Snow, why not do it again? (He did say “don’t bring me back” to Melisandre in the preview, possible foreshadowing?)

The episode’s synopses: “Terms of surrender are rejected and accepted.” The synopses for episode ten was also released, hinting at how the show may end.

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