Hillary Clinton does Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifinakis, talks Donald Trump's 'racism' and civil war

'How does President Obama like his coffee, like himself ...weak?'

Christopher Hooton
Thursday 22 September 2016 15:57 BST

Like Barack Obama before her, Hillary Clinton has appeared on Funny or Die's Between Two Ferns mock chat show with Zach Galifianakis.

As underwhelmed as ever by his guest, Zach opens the interview with the question: "Are you excited to be the first girl president?", before continuing, "Not to take away from the historic significance of you perhaps becoming the first female president, but for a younger generation you will also become their first white president, and that's pretty neat too."

Clinton is a good sport during the interview (as well she should be, the series is a great way to reach young voters), but doesn't give as good as she gets as Obama did, merely deflecting Zach's surreal questions rather than landing any jabs of her own.

Galifianakis gleefully derides Clinton's opponent Donald Trump during the interview, asking her: "When you see how well it works for Donald Trump, do you ever think to yourself, 'Oh maybe I should be more racist?'", before positing that he would appoint Kid Rock as Secretary of State if elected.

The pair also discuss her infamous pantsuits (like "a librarian from outer space") and what her policies would be as president, the interview being interrupted at the end by a particularly cheesy Trump commercial which Zach says he included because Trump "paid him in steaks".

Referencing the leaks, he finishes the segment with the zinger: "Well this has been a lot of fun Mrs. Clinton, we should stay in touch. What's the best way to reach you, email?"

Clinton never misses an opportunity to insert herself in the middle of pop culture, having previously cameoed in an episode of Comedy Central's Broad City.

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