Netflix users angry after receiving ‘creepy’ message in middle of the night

'We know what you're up to. Watch and see what we will do'

Clarisse Loughrey
Saturday 30 December 2017 11:33 GMT

Black Mirror's pretty much cornered the market on causing technological terror - shame Netflix's attempt to get in on the fun backfired so dramatically.

Daily Sabah reports that users who had accounts both on popular, Reddit-esque website Ekşi Sözlük and Netflix received messages in the dead of night from an account titled "iamwaldo", a reference to season two's "The Waldo Moment", in which a cartoon bear becomes a popular political candidate. The messages read simply: "We know what you're up to. Watch and see what we will do."

Gizmodo reports that a source familiar with the situation confirmed that Netflix was responsible for the campaign. Reaction to the messages has been wide-ranging, with discussions on Ekşi Sözlük seeing some users quickly catch-on to the Black Mirror reference, stating the promotion was "funny".

Black Mirror - Season 4 Trailer

Others have stated the messages were too obscure to obviously be promotional, with one user writing: "Whoever had the idea, it is not cool. We have authors who suffer from panic attacks and suffer from cardiac arrhythmia. No one has a right to frighten anyone, even for 10 minutes, whether they are trolls or advertisers."

Several users have stated they are prepared to report the messages to legal authorities. The reaction has been specifically acute due to Turkey's current political atmosphere, in which the aftermath of last year's failed coup d'état has seen vast government surveillance of social network users.

Netflix has been contacted for comment.

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