Tuesday 23 March 1993 00:02 GMT

Without Walls' (C4) controversial film 'Diana Unclothed': 'She (Camille Paglia) seemed completely out to lunch. . . Diana Unclothed used exaggeration with such reckless abandon that is was easy to miss the small, but important, core of common sense in what the programme was saying.' Max Davidson, Daily Telegraph.

'Paglia's examination ultimately condemned itself by treating the princess in exactly the way that feminists demand women should not be treated - as a commodity. . . This sort of garbage should not be fed to one's dog.' Alan Hamilton, Times.

'It was the unpleasant commentary, cynically designed to create massive public controversy, that stuck in my craw.' Compton Miller, Daily Express.

'Pretentious twaddle.' Pam Francis, Today.

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