Environmentalists raise awareness with coordinated striptease

Monday 25 July 2011 00:00 BST

Thousands of Greenpeace supporters took part in a coordinated striptease in 29 cities in ten countries around the world on Saturday to raise awareness for the group's latest campaign, entitled 'Detox.'

The striptease took place outside of Nike and Adidas stores at 11:00 am, Saturday, July 23 in 29 cities in Austria, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the Philippines, Spain, Switzerland and Thailand.

Photos of the event are available to view on Greenpeace's official Flickr account. Officials from the Guinness Book of Records have not yet confirmed if it was, as Greenpeace claims, the world's largest coordinated striptease. 

The publicity stunt was designed to raise awareness of Greenpeace's latest campaign, Detox, which accuses several companies, including Nike and Adidas of leaking waste contaminated by the production process into China's rivers.  

The accusation leveled at Nike and Adidas by Greenpeace comes after the publication of a report titled "Dirty Laundry," which was commissioned by the environmental organization and was the result of a year-long investigation.

Though companies other than Nike and Adidas were implicated, the environmental organization has singled those two out hoping that a change in their manufacturing process would pave the way for others.

Nike has denied involvement in any manufacturing process that uses harmful pollutants and Adidas said it is "investigating the claims."

Detox Campaign - http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/campaigns/toxics/water/detox/
Greenpeace Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/greenpeaceinternational/

Nike response to Detox campaign -  http://nikebiz.biz/media/pr/2011/07/18_greenpeace_response.html    Adidas response to Detox campaign -  http://www.adidas-group.com/en/sustainability/statements/2011/Greenpeace_report_Dirty%20Laundry_July_13.aspx

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