Outrage after beach litter spooks seal colony into stampede

Female animals may abandon young if scared, conservationists warn

Lauren Beavis
Wednesday 20 July 2022 12:10 BST
Beach litter spooks seal colony into stampede

Conservationists are furious after a seal colony stampeded in fear after being spooked by litter on a UK beach.

Video shows a shopping bag whirling across Waxham beach, in Norfolk, scaring a large group of the marine mammals which then charge into the ocean.

The charity Friends of Horsey Seals has issued an urgent appeal following the incident on 17 July, saying people should not leave rubbish on the beach.

The charity said in a social media post: “Here is a bit of a stark reminder not to leave anything behind on the beach.

“The issue is many of theses are heavily pregnant common seals or ones that have just given birth. It is amazing how one shopping bag and a little bit of wind could cause such fear among the seals causing them to stampede into the sea.”

It added: “Please don’t leave rubbish on the beach and make sure you pick up all your belongings before you leave and take them home.

“We retrieved the bag later and disposed of it safely.”

Sally Butler, 58, has been part of the charity’s rescue team for three years.

She said: “This video highlights the importance of ensuring people take their rubbish home with them.

“There were many pregnant females in that group, and when they get scared like that they are likely to abandon their pups or even abort them.

“There is a risk that new born pups, or even smaller adult seals could be crushed in the panic or abandoned.

“As well as bags blowing in the wind scaring seals, they can also get bag handles caught around their neck, causing a lot of pain and suffering.

“People should also keep their dogs on a lead and keep good distance away from these animals.”

Just a week ago, a seal pup was found abandoned by its mother on Waxham beach after reports of visitors scaring its mother into the sea.

The pup was discovered starving, trying to suckle on a rock. It was monitored for 24 hours while volunteers waited in vain for its mother to return. It was then taken to East Winch RSPCA Wildlife Centre.

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