i Editor's Letter: Returning to work on Monday


Saturday 05 January 2013 01:00 GMT

Rail travel is clearly a subject that touches most people where it hurts – especially when it comes to the rising costs. Many of you condemned Mary Dejevsky for her arguments that fare rises are part of a lifestyle choice that commuters make.

Travel is just one of the areas in which we are all being squeezed financially, and one which we can all shout together about. Yes, many of us wish we were paid more and want longer holidays, but here is an issue with which we can abandon our individual gripes and form a collective voice to shout louder about the unfairness of it all – and get heard.

After all, the person sat next to you on your daily commute will bury themselves in their newspaper if you whine about your lack of bonus and pay freeze. But talk about the cost of your ticket and heads will start to nod – especially if you are all sat on a rail-replacement bus service. It's much easier to speak within a crowd where there is little fear of disagreement.

One who spoke out in a much more hostile crowd was Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot in the head by the Taliban after writing a blog about life under the militants. In a news agenda where we can struggle to find much to be optimistic about – people struggling to meet mortgage payments, the very real fear of a triple-dip recession in the UK, and natural disasters on the increase – at least her story is taking a turn for the good.

So, as we enjoy the weekend away from our daily grind, with many preparing to return to work on Monday after a festive break, let's celebrate some good news: her release from hospital in Birmingham. She has a long way to go, but she is making good progress.

Stefano Hatfield is away

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