Make school lunches fun with these healthy recipes from Jamie Oliver

To reduce the stress of the back to school routine for parents and kids alike, Tesco and Jamie Oliver have teamed up to create a range of playful lunchtime recipes that tick all the boxes. By Hannah Twiggs

Monday 06 September 2021 12:00 BST
Sandwiches are a great and easy-to-make lunchtime option for any day of the week
Sandwiches are a great and easy-to-make lunchtime option for any day of the week (Richard Clatworthy)

From prepping uniforms and packing school bags, to ensuring lunchboxes are filled with goodness, going back to school is a busy time for kids and parents alike.

To help reduce the stress of sorting out nutritious food options that are also fun for the kids, Tesco health ambassador Jamie Oliver has created a range of playful lunchtime recipes that tick all the boxes.

Focusing on convenience and value, the recipes are a quick and easy way to add flavour and freshness to the menu, without hours of meal prepping. Designed to break the monotony, ingredients can be swapped, mixed and matched to suit any taste, allowing families to have some fun in the kitchen together.

Tesco and Oliver are also launching their first long-term collaboration range, 123 Traybakes. Created to help busy households and parents create tasty and nutritious dinner options for four people in just 30 minutes. Simply pick a base, hero and sauce to create your perfect meal.

The kits are “an easy way to get a delicious dinner on the table in 30 minutes,” explains Oliver. “Quick to put together, minimal washing up and you’ll get at least two of your five-a-day per portion.”

It’s only been a week, but if you’re stuck for back-to-school lunch ideas, read on.

Tasting the rainbow

Sandwiches are a great and easy-to-make lunchtime option for any day of the week. By picking colourful veg and mixing it with protein, they can be easily made on a budget with just a few ingredients.

Ingredient options:

Bread: wholemeal roll or tortilla wrap, or “Best of both” sliced bread

Protein: cheddar or hard cheese, left-over roast chicken or turkey, tuna in spring water

Veg or fruit (40g total): sweetcorn, grated carrot, red pepper, courgette, sliced cucumber, cherry tomatoes, cress, iceberg lettuce, grated apple, sliced pear, grapes

Spread: 15g low-fat mayonnaise, natural yoghurt or nut-free pesto


Mix and match to create rolls, wraps and sandwiches, such as…

(Richard Clatworthy)

Tuna roll:

Cut a roll in half, then drain the tuna and flake into a small bowl. Stir through the yoghurt, mayo, sweetcorn, tomatoes, red pepper, cucumber and cress. Spread the mix onto the roll before wrapping in foil or baking paper.

(Richard Clatworthy)

Cheese sandwich:

Spread the mayo or yoghurt over both slices of bread, then grate the cheese over one slice. Top with carrot and lettuce or mix sweet and savoury by adding apple and grapes. Top with the remaining slice of bread and cut into fun shapes.

(Richard Clatworthy)

Chicken wrap:

Spread the yoghurt or mayo over the wrap, then spoon the pesto down the middle using the back of the spoon. Pile the chicken on top, keeping it in a neat line, and top with lettuce, courgette, sliced tomatoes and grated carrot. Tuck in the sides then confidently roll the wrap over the filling until tightly wrapped up.

Pop-tastic snack

(Richard Clatworthy)

Making nutritious and fun lunches can be tricky to master. However, with this easy-to-follow snack idea, parents can inject excitement into lunch hour and put a smile on their kid’s faces. Plus, you can plan ahead and prepare a batch for the entire week.

Ingredient options:

120g popping corn

Tsp oil

Toppings: honey, cinnamon, Marmite, Cajun spice mix, red wine vinegar


Grab a handful of popcorn and put it into a small pan with a dash of oil. Make sure the lid is on to avoid a kitchen catastrophe! While you wait for the popping to begin, pick an ingredient that your child loves to use as a topping. Stir in three teaspoons of Marmite to add a savoury tang, go for a bit of a kick with one tablespoon of red wine vinegar and three teaspoons of Cajun spice mix, or satisfy their sweet tooth with two tablespoons of runny honey and a large pinch of cinnamon.

Savoury muffins

(Richard Clatworthy)

Full of goodness and easy to make, this updated muffin formula will help parents to pack more fruit and veg into their kid’s menu. What’s more, it will also make eating a portion of the five-a-day a bit more exciting.

Ingredient options:

Muffin mix: eggs, oil, wholemeal self-raising flour, baking powder, semi-skimmed milk

Star of the show ingredient: sultanas, honey, grated carrot and apple, grated orange zest, cinnamon and pumpkin seeds


Preheat the oven to 180C and put paper muffin cases in the holes of your muffin tray. Grate carrots into a large bowl, add eggs, flour, baking powder milk and oil as well as your key ingredient, eg apples or sultanas and beat well with a wooden spoon until mixture is even. Bake for about 35 mins and voilà, the mouth-watering lunch snack your kids have been waiting for is here.

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