New website boasts 1.7 million recipes from 250 sites

Wednesday 21 September 2011 12:46 BST
(Recipe Finder)

A one-stop resource that combs the internet to aggregate recipes has launched this month.

Recipe Finder, developed across London, New York and Singapore, launched with 1.7 million recipes already in its repository, as well as 700,000 images and 4,000 ingredients from 250 food sites.

It's similar in idea to Google's Recipe View, which also scours the web for recipes based on the user's input.

Recipe Finder, however, has a cleaner interface with user-friendly toggles for setting search parameters like the number of calories, servings and cooking time. Users can also search for recipes that use certain ingredients and exclude others, and video tutorials are also available.

When users sign in to Recipe Finder through Facebook, they can also build daily or weekly menus and personalize them by adding an occasion - birthday dinner, Sunday brunch or poker night. Menus are created by clicking and dragging the recipes and saving it.

Recipe websites are also indexed regularly to keep the site updated.

Other innovative recipe search sites include, which suggests recipes based on the contents of your fridge, and the Turntable Kitchen, which pairs certain dishes with musical tracks, much like a food and wine pairing.

To test out the latest recipe search site, visit

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