The cast of Friends are back together: 7 things that always happen at reunions

The one where you can’t remember who anyone is.

Luke Rix-Standing
Thursday 20 May 2021 11:46 BST
Friends cast
Friends cast

Reunions are strange places. You sort of know everyone, but also sort of don’t; the little twerp that used to bully you is now a human rights lawyer with kids, and everyone awkwardly remembers different in-jokes.

Since most of their jokes were televised, we can’t imagine this being a problem for the cast of Friends coming together for the first time since 2004. As the shackles of the pandemic start slowly loosening, they won’t be the only ones reuniting. Here are a few things that invariably happen when the gang gets back together…

1. Someone tries way too hard to impress

There’s always one person – perhaps not top of the pile first time round – who’s just determined to show you all that everything has changed, and they’re now the absolute coolest kid on the block.

There’s the guy flashing designer labels at every turn, the guy that will not shut up about their ‘investment portfolio’, and the person constantly pushing their passably attractive partner at you, because they just have that much to prove.

Beware the braggarts, at school reunions in particular. At a Friends reunion, this one has Ross written all over it.

2. Someone really has changed a lot

Nothing spices up an evening like your always-very-normal mate Johnny remarking that the world is flat, and lizard people control the world media. If, however, it seems like everyone else has changed, then the person that’s changed might well be you.

3. You will have to relive some horror stories

Reminiscing goes both ways, so prepare to have all the stories you’ve kept away from your current crop of friends regaled across one blistering evening. We’re sure Chandler would love to re-tread the time he kissed one of Joey’s sisters… and then forgot which one.

Never, and we mean never, bring your current partner.

4. Someone gets too drunk

Reunions can be high-risk social endeavours. Some are delightfully nostalgic jaunts down memory lane, which rekindle dormant friendships, but some are nerve-shredding reminders of why you all lost touch in the first place. Nerves can lead to awkwardness, awkwardness can lead to tactical drinking, and tactical drinking can lead to… well, almost anything.5. Someone will say “can you believe it’s been X years?”

By “someone” we of course mean “everyone”, possibly several times through the night. Ready your best incredulous face in the mirror beforehand, preferably while uttering an elongated ‘I knowww!’

6. You will have to field uncomfortable questions

In some parallel universe filled with rainbows and laughing children, there exists a group of people so secure in their careers that they don’t feel the need to compare themselves to everyone around them. In the real world, you’re going have to admit that no, your aborted tech start-up did not, in fact, supplant Google and yes, you’re still a little sore about it.

We do wonder a bit how Joey’s career will be going 17 years on. And no, before you mention it, the spin-off series Joey doesn’t count.

7. Someone will make at least one major faux-pas

Before you’ve established the differences between past and present, it’s not a great idea to lead with personal questions. Best not to ask “how’s Tony?” until you’re absolutely sure he didn’t run off with the guitar teacher in 2015.

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