Best-selling PC download games of the week: 'Supreme Commander 2' makes a comeback

Tuesday 08 June 2010 03:45 BST
(All rights reserved - Square Enix)

A 50% reduction on Supreme Commander 2 propelled it to #1 position over the weekend, but, rather unfortunately, did nothing of the sort for fellow half-pricer Shattered Horizon on the Steam Network.

Dawn of War II can also credit its recent revival to a special offer, while The Orange Box was put on a promotional discount to celebrate its new-found cross-platform compatibility between Macs and PCs.

Alpha Protocol is the week's highest new entry, a take on the James Bond / Jason Bourne genre of globetrotting subterfuge that plays far more like a role playing game than the action filled shooter many had expected.

APB All Points Bulletin is from the creator of Grand Theft Auto and Crackdown. Players choose a side, Criminals or Enforcers, waging turf wars and distributing rough justice in order to secure their own slice of the pie.

The game isn't out until July but it's evident that enough people putting their money down in advance to make APB a new entry as well.

01) Supreme Commander 2
02) Battlefield: Bad Company 2
03) Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II - Gold Edition
04) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - Stimulus Package
05) The Orange Box
06) Alpha Protocol
07) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
08) APB All Points Bulletin
09) Left 4 Dead 2
10) Magic: The Gathering - Duels of the Planeswalkers
Chart positions reflect total revenue gained by the Steam Network.

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