TikTok introduces new ‘kindness’ features as it urges people to be nicer to each other

Andrew Griffin
Wednesday 10 March 2021 13:17 GMT
(Getty Images)

TikTok has introduced new features in an attempt to make its users be “kinder” to each other.

They include a new prompt that will attempt to spot cruel comments and advise people to reconsider their posts before they are sent.

Video creators will also be able to filter comments – removing any comments at all, unless the owner of the video approves them.

That feature is called “filter all comments” and TikTok said it was an extension of existing tools that look out for “spam and offensive comments” so they can be filtered out, as well as a feature that allows for the hiding of specific keywords.

“We know that comments are an important way for community members to connect with creators, and we’ll continue to develop ways to promote respectful discussion,” TikTok said in a blog post announcing the changes.

They come amid concerns that the app and its popularity among young users mean that it could be allowing for bullying and undermining the wellbeing of those who use it.

“We’re focused on providing our community with an entertaining and safe experience where people can find joy in the everyday,” said Julie de Bailliencourt, TikToks head of product policy in EMEA. “Creators put amazing effort into crafting content and we think it’s important that we provide ways to give our community the tools to help them control their experience.

“We want TikTok to continue to be a place where creativity can thrive and we hope these new features help to further foster kindness and community.” 

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