Need to know: The evidence - The hairdresser's session bag

Aoife O'Riordain
Saturday 05 December 1998 00:02 GMT

Joel Goncalves is an art director at John Frieda and does session hairdressing for magazines and fashion shows

"This is the basic kit, which would cover any eventuality at a show or shoot. The cigar case (1) was a present from a friend who thought it would make a great holder for my scissors; I've had it for 20 years. You need lots of different tongs (2) depending on the look you want. Small ones give a frizzy effect, and the large ones a Madonna look. I used the hairpiece (3) on a recent job, as we needed to give the model's hair some extra body. I listen to my Walkman (4) everywhere. I usually listen to a CD until it gets on my nerves. A friend bought me the new Stone Roses for my birthday so I'm listening to that at the moment. I've been trying to read this Aldous Huxley book (5) for quite a while. I'm determined to get through it. I have a few different types of scissors but I like my Osaka ones (6) the best. They are by no means the most expensive - some scissors cost over a thousand pounds. I'm particularly fond of Japanese scissors, but that's just me."

Interview by Aoife O'Riordain

Photograph by Darren Regnier

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