Meghan Markle and Prince Harry not releasing official royal baby merchandise

Official merchandise was released for the births of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

Sabrina Barr
Wednesday 01 May 2019 15:39 BST
Royal baby in numbers

No official merchandise is going to be released in celebration of the birth of the royal baby, it has been revealed.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have turned away from royal convention on several occasions, recently announcing that the arrival of their baby will be kept a secret so that they can "celebrate privately as a new family".

In another departure from tradition, it has been confirmed that a range of official royal baby paraphernalia will not be sold by the Royal Collection Trust following the birth of the Prince Harry and Meghan's baby.

"We have no new ranges to announce," a spokesperson for the Royal Collection Trust told The Independent.

The charity, which is chaired by Prince Charles, released collections of merchandise for the births of Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis in 2013, 2015 and 2018, respectively.

Several items which were released to mark the birth of the youngest child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in April 2018 are still available on the website.

The most expensive item still available is a commemorative pillbox, which is on sale for £35.

The lid of the china pillbox is decorated with a design of a lion and a unicorn, and features the statement: "Welcome to our new royal baby."

An official commemorative plate featuring the same design and message is also on sale for £24.50, reduced from £49.

While no merchandise will be sold when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's baby arrives, there are several items still available on the Royal Collection Trust which pay tribute to their wedding in May 2018.

These include a royal wedding tankard for £39, a plate for £49 and a calendar for £12.95.

Keep up to date on all the latest news on the birth of the royal baby by following The Independent's live blog here.

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