Stephen Colbert criticises Jeff Bezos for reportedly turning away trick-or-treaters on Halloween

Amazon founder’s home reportedly turned away trick-or-treaters via intercom

Chelsea Ritschel
New York
Tuesday 02 November 2021 15:05 GMT
Stephen Colbert mocks Jeff Bezos for turning away trick-or-treaters
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Stephen Colbert has jokingly criticised Jeff Bezos after it was reported that the Amazon founder’s home did not accept trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

On Monday’s episode of The Late Show, Colbert addressed the claim reported by Politico,  which stated that a group of children trick-or-treating on Sunday night were turned away from Bezos’ door in Washington, DC and told via the intercom that they “not participating in Halloween”.

According to the report, the children walked away “muttering” that they would be attempting to cover Bezos’ home in Amazon toilet paper.

On The Late Show, Colbert began by acknowledging that Halloween trick-or-treating is a “simple contract,” with children winning “every negotiation”.

“You’ve just got to say trick or treat and you get candy,” Colbert stated, before joking: “You say trick or treat and I don’t give you candy, legally, you get to burn my house down.

“It’s in the fine print on the back of a Milky Way bar.”

However, Colbert then acknowledged that “not everybody was in the ooky-spooky Halloween spirit,” including “billionaire and Squid Game season ticket holder, Jeff Bezos,” who was actually in Glasgow for the climate conference with world leaders.

“Last night in Washington DC, a group of trick-or-treaters decided to hit up Bezos’ mansion only to be told by a man on an intercom that they were ‘not participating in Halloween,’” the late night show host recounted to booing from the crowd. “Wow.”

Colbert then joked that Bezos’ choice not to participate in Halloween doesn’t make sense considering the second-richest man in the world “spent all year” costumed as Panic Pete the Squeeze Toy.

The late night host concluded the segment noting that Bezos wasn’t at home this year for Halloween, as he was instead overseas celebrating Bill Gates’ 66th birthday “at an intimate party in a secluded Turkish cove,” as reported by Business Insider.

As of Tuesday, Bezos has a net worth of $195.9bn, according to Forbes.

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