Britons ‘fed up with quiche and spaghetti bolognese at dinner parties’, study claims

People also bored of same old conversations, including those about Brexit

Rob Knight
Wednesday 02 January 2019 16:36 GMT
The pressure is on to get creative and serve anything but a prawn cocktail at dinner parties
The pressure is on to get creative and serve anything but a prawn cocktail at dinner parties (REX/Shutterstock)

A fifth of Britons are bored of being served the "same old" dishes at dinner parties, a study found.

Researchers who polled 2,000 UK adults found they are fed-up of receiving dishes such as quiche, prawn cocktail and spaghetti bolognese at every get-together.

And six in 10 are feeling the pressure to impress with their food offerings, the survey suggested.

But it is not for a want of trying; a quarter have gone to "great lengths" to cook something sumptuous, only for it to go disastrously wrong.

Perhaps as a result, a third fear they won’t meet their guest’s expectations over the festive period – despite the wealth of cookery shows, social media how-to’s and celebrity recipe books available.

Commissioned by cider brand Stassen, the research found the average Briton has just four meals in their repertoire and half would like to freshen it up.

The research also found a fifth were so disappointed by their host’s efforts that they’ve picked up a takeaway on the journey home.

It also emerged more than half those polled serve the same tipple at every social gathering – with red (49 per cent) and white wine (54 per cent) the most popular options.

While three in 10 tend to serve select beer and just 10 per cent opt for cider.

And it’s not only the same old food and drink we’re tired of – 36 per cent are sick of the same old conversation too.

Brexit, celebrity gossip and other people’s children are among the topics which tend to make us switch off – alongside football, Donald Trump and babies.

Carried out through OnePoll, the research found half of those polled consider dinner parties to be "samey".

91-year-old Harold Rubin enjoys ability to live alone and host dinner parties

Top 10 food items we're most bored of at dinner parties

  1. Pizza
  2. Mac & cheese
  3. Quiche
  4. Spaghetti Bolognese
  5. Cottage pie
  6. Shepherd’s pie
  7. Prawn cocktail
  8. Fish pie
  9. Lasagne
  10. Spaghetti carbonara


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