Would you like to be a househusband?

Saturday 04 May 1996 23:02 BST

John Peel, DJ and presenter: As viewed traditionally, I wouldn't. I'm not at all envious of my wife's role as a housewife because she has the unenviable task of looking after me. My wife is the fuel on which I run, in fact yesterday we were having one of those conversations about what would happen if Mummy died and I said that obviously I would have to cope and our 14- year-old daughter said: "Daddy you would go completely to pieces." If anyone had to do a time and motion study on our house they would be appalled.

Tony Williams, car dealer: It would be hard work, but I like a challenge. I'd be proud because I would be spending time with my family and I think I would be happy washing and cleaning. When two people are together there is no such thing as a man's role or a woman's role, so as long as one's at work it doesn't usually matter which one it is.

Mark Roche, administrator of Stonewall, gay rights lobby group: I wouldn't mind, particularly not having to get up and travel on the Tube everyday, although there would be disadvantages, like ironing and those horrible tasks. Basically my husband would have to be so rich that I could just go shopping every day or sit watching films and eating chocolates on the sofa. That would be my ideal life, I think it should be encouraged.

Michael Winner, film director: I like cleaning and I'm a very good cook but after an hour I would get bored and forget it all. Our house would turn into the house of horrors and the wife would divorce me for unreasonable behaviour in a matter of seconds.

Alexander Djordjevic, unemployed: No way, right now I would hate it, it wouldn't give me enough freedom and it would be too much bloody hassle. I'd have to bother about things which really aren't important to me. I wouldn't get married unless a kid was on the way, but maybe if that happened I would do whatever was required, You never know what tomorrow brings.

Andrew Moulang, mechanic: A couple of years ago I was a househusband, washing the dishes, cooking, cleaning and looking after a baby - but I found it too much hard work. It's a seven-day job that keeps you in at the weekend and wears you out. I liked going to the mother-and- toddler group on Hampstead Heath, though. All the young mothers would come up to chat with me.

Simon Wilson, househusband:If you really love your kids then you can cope with it because you can control them, if not you will explode. I like doing the housework because I like cleanliness, I'm not interested in having mess around me, but I must say that ironing is not one of my good points. I've got a nine month-old son and a three-year-old girl and two other children who don't live with me. I once took them all to McDonalds, which was too much - I had to get someone to help me. People look at you differently, they look at you with respect, particularly women.

Max Clifford, public relations consultant: Although one of my brothers is almost a househusband and thoroughly enjoys it, I know that it wouldn't suit me at all. I get so much pleasure from what I am involved in. My wife is a housewife and I'm fortunate that she thoroughly enjoys it. If she was away I would get someone else in.

Tom Dixon, furniture designer: It would depend how many children I had and how difficult they were to look after. I happen to have two very naughty little girls and the thought of looking after them all day ... well, I would have to be very brave to stick it out. Patience isn't my strong point. Maybe I would consider one week on, one week off.

Terry Prendergrast, regional manager of Relate, the marriage guidance organisation: It's something that I wouldn't have minded doing except for the problem that it would do my brain in. I would always need something else to keep me going. But a role swap within the family is not problematic, I have always shared out. A role reversal would also be a very positive thing for the family and for society in general, as a means of avoiding the situation where a stranger called Dad comes home from work at the end of the day.


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