From Aberdeen to Athens on one train ticket

Sunday 17 November 2013 01:00 GMT

Whether you want to travel from Aberdeen to Athens, Rhyl to Rome or Swansea to Sarajevo it is now possible for the first time to buy train tickets direct from UK stations to thousands of destinations on the Continent.

In the past travellers would often have to buy tickets in several stages from different operators, in some countries disembarking and having to queue to buy tickets for their onward travel. But the launch of this week takes this hassle out of pan-European train travel.

It claims to make buying a train ticket as easy as booking a flight, with high-speed services such as Eurostar, TGV and ICE included as well as regional ones. The founders want trains to rival planes for international travel as this will help the environment.

Mark Smith of independent rail travel website said of the new service: "For the first time you can enter the name of your local station, however small and insignificant it is, then enter Amsterdam or Venice and it will work out the cost and book all your trains.

"It'll book to almost any local station abroad too, however far from an airport – a virtually door-to-door solution, which isn't something easyJet or Ryanair can boast."

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